Plot the posterior interval of the Conditional Average Treatment Effect grouped by a discrete variable
Plots the range of the Conditional Average Treatment Effect grouped by a discrete variable. This is analogous to plot_moderator_d_density but is preferable for moderators with many categories. Rather than plotting the full density, the posterior range is shown.
- .model
a model produced by `bartCause::bartc()`
- moderator
the moderator as a vector
- .alpha
transparency value [0, 1]
- horizontal
flip the plot horizontal?
# \donttest{
confounders <- c('age', 'educ', 'black', 'hisp', 'married', 'nodegr')
model_results <- bartCause::bartc(
response = lalonde[['re78']],
treatment = lalonde[['treat']],
confounders = as.matrix(lalonde[, confounders]),
estimand = 'ate',
commonSuprule = 'none'
#> fitting treatment model via method 'bart'
#> fitting response model via method 'bart'
plot_moderator_d_linerange(model_results, lalonde$educ)
# }